Leadership & Administration
Rian Hawk is a graduating senior criminology major, psychology minor from El Paso, Texas. When she ran for the position of President she had one goal in mind and that was expansion. Expanding the choir's community outreach, campus fellowship, and campus presence.
Vice President
Kennedy Meadors is a junior Biology major from Nashville, Tennessee.
Kamren Adams is a graduating senior, mathematics major and secondary education minor from Los Angeles, California. He is pleased to be serving the Howard University Community Choir as it’s current Secretary.
Jennifer Tshikusay is a Junior Criminology major, sociology minor from Philly by way of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Her goal as treasurer is to ensure that HUCC funds are well managed and wisely spent. Her prayer is for HUCC to experience financial prosperity to the point where it will are able to support its members who may need assistance financially.
Omolade Olofintuyi has the privilege of being the choir’s Chaplain this school year. She is a junior Health Science major and Psychology minor from Indianapolis, Indiana by way of Nigeria. By grace, she believes that through HUCC, God will call many of His children back to Him to walk in true freedom and peace.
Jaden Gholston-Mitchell is a sophomore Health Education Major with a Concentration in Child/Maternal Health, from Orlando, FL. She is serving as the 2023-2024 HUCC parliamentarian. She is 20 years of age and is ready to learn all that she can, and wishes Peace and Blessings to you and yours!
Robert Russum Jr. is a sophomore chemical engineering major, German minor, from San Antonio, Texas.
Concert & Decoration Chairs: Laila Blackwell
Public Relations Chairs: Wendy Green
Choir Activities & Community Service Chair: Jada Willoughby
Fundraising Chair: Jennifer Tshikusay
Historian Committee Chair: Robert Russum
Business Manager: Ke'Lena Thomas